Editing for independent authors
I offer a copy-editing service for independent fiction authors. I can help make short stories ready for submission. Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading has some guides to the different types of editing.
In my work on short stories I aim to catch the majority of typos and spelling errors. I will flag anomalies and ambiguities and offer advice on how to resolve them. I keep an eye on your timeline and I will make sure your hero doesn’t suddenly acquire an extra child, or sprint on a broken leg. I will also flag up any potential legal problems.
On or before an agreed date you will receive from me a Word document with tracked changes and comments. You should go through this to take in my recommendations and make any decisions required.
To find out more, please contact me using the Request a Quote button.
Please note, I am not presently taking book-length projects.
Picture credit: Flickr/silentmind8