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Tell me about your ethics.

I adhere to the code of practice set down by the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading. It covers everything from editing standards to email etiquette and I am bound by it as a professional member of the organisation. I review it regularly as part of my continuing professional development.


What qualifications do you have?

My formal editorial qualifications include:

  • PTC’s Copy-editing by distance learning
  • SfEP’s (now CIEP) Copy-editing progress
  • SfEP’s (now CIEP)  Copy-editing mentoring

I have more to my name, though, and you can find more details on my qualifications page.


I want to be an editor. How can I make that happen?

I recommend you scamper on over to the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading and have a good poke around among the resources. The society also sells guides that cover various aspects of breaking into the industry; and it runs excellent courses. Furthermore, there regional groups run by volunteers who will allow you to come along to a meeting and chat to some working editors to help you work out if this career is for you.  

And if I'm not too busy, I'd be happy to answer one or two quick questions by email.


What are your favourite genres of fiction?

As a reader, I pick up a fair amount of speculative fiction and fantasy – I am a devoted subscriber to the UK magazine Interzone . I have a soft spot for steampunk, for all its faults. I enjoy a good cosy mystery; and also domestic noir. I'm very keen on short stories and read many online zines. I am one of those people who will read anything. If it's text, my eye is drawn. 


How much will my edit cost?

I prepare a bespoke quotation for each project, so please contact me for pricing information. I set my prices using the rates laid down by the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading.


Can you do a rush job?

It is better to book an edit at least a month in advance. I rarely have last-minute slots and I, like many other editors, will also add a rush fee to my quotation.


How long will my edit take?

The amount of time required for an edit is affected by many variables, including the length of your document, the type of work required and other commitments in my diary. Before I start work I will give you a firm return date and commit to meeting it.